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Seafood Restaurants Famous in Sault Ste. Marie ON

Seafood Restaurants: Not only does this city have pleasant people that reside beside the river but offers many joy filled adventures for the visitors to get pleasure from


. Being able to fish at the river , stunning views , along with other activities to relish for vacation enthusiasts. For food lovers , there is a wonderful dining option to relish.


In Sault Ste . Marie , one of the best restaurants to eat is North82. Steak is a really popular local food item at North82 , however if you prefer American or Canadian cuisine , there are several meals to relish. Open up for lunch , dinner and late-night meal , North82 is a must-try being a tourist.


North82 Restaurant Offers The Finest Food Choices Available


Steak and Seafood


North82 is specially well known for cooking tasty steaks and seafood. If you have a love for these , then you will surely enjoy the distinctive taste available at North82. Pair your meals with your favorite beverage from a large number of drinks


. Not only your taste buds , but your loved ones will enjoy it for a very long time.


Famous Tourist Attraction


The city of Sault Ste . Marie is a popular tourist destination since years. North82 takes pride in being among the most visited dining places in the city by these visitors. The dishes and delicacies offered here are enjoyed by each and everytourist here


. The restaurant provides a tourist-friendly ambience for those with a penchant for vacation when it comes to food.


Sunday Brunches


North82’s Sunday brunch menu is fantastic enough to enjoy your Sundays.




Seafood Restaurants: North82 offers a very comfortable setting to suitfamily time. Whether it is a great family occasion or it is a family of four members , this place is just the appropriate option for memories to be remembered for a long time. Not just this , our luxurious party areas are great for wedding celebration and functions.


Excellent Bar


Visiting the city as a group of friends? Come and enjoy the refreshments and long chats with your buddies at North82




Great Value


North82 amazes its customers with an awesome menu . Everyone certainly relishes his favorite meal here. All dishes are actually charged well. The restaurant’s highly experienced and certified cooks ensure to deliver a very good taste so you get the worth for your money.


Fantastic Customer Service


Every vacationist going to North82 is greeted warmly by our well qualified and competent staff. Since there are plenty of guests going to this place , the restaurant ensures the staff is competent to manage them properly.


The city of Sault Ste . Marie presents one of the excellent dining options like North82. You will be happy with the appetizing dishes offered in a fresh and pleasant feel. Drop in once and you will love our food. Seafood Restaurants Famous in Sault Ste. Marie ON call (705) 998-0553